Important Note

Helpers & Hands must request and get scheduled on Dollys within the Helper app without support intervention. Dolly Support is unable to manually schedule a Helper or Hand on a Dolly. If Helpers & Hands reach out to support to get assigned to a Dolly, our Support team will refer to requesting Dollys in the app. 

Getting notified of available Dollys

Customer book Dollys. When a customer books a Dolly, a broadcast is sent to Helpers & Hands in the area. If notifications are enabled, you will be notified of the available Dolly and have the opportunity to request it.

  • Push notifications must be enabled in your Dolly Helper App and device settings.
  • Visit the More tab in the Helper app to view Notification Settings. Notifications must be turned on for the selected days you want to see Dollys. Send a test push notification to ensure that notifications are set.
  • Check your device settings to make sure the Dolly Helper App has notification permissions turned on.
  • Make sure your phone is not in Do Not Disturb mode.

Can I request a 2-Helper Dolly? 

As a Solo Helper or Hand, you can request 2 Helper Dollys. The Helper app will work to find another Helper or Hand to match with you to work on the Dolly together.

Helpers also have the ability to indicate that they are willing to split pay 50/50 with another Helper.

What is the difference between "Find me someone" and "Request a specific person"?

When requesting a 2-Helper Dolly, you have the ability to let Dolly pair you with whoever requests the same Dolly or request a specific person to work with. 

How can I choose to work with a specific Helper or Hand?

When requesting a Dolly in the app, you will see Request a specific person. Selecting this option will enable you to search other Helpers and Hands in your current market or choose from your Preferred List. The requested Helper or Hand has the ability to accept or decline the request. If this occurs, do not contact Support as we will be unable to assist you to be assigned.

Why didn’t I get the Dolly?

When a Dolly becomes available, the request is randomly sent to Helpers & Hands in the area. To be confirmed and scheduled, you will be notified through the Helper app and / or through the account email. 

What is a Power Up Bid?

Although it is not a guarantee, a Power Up bid increases the chance to win the Dolly of your choice.

For every 50 consecutive Dollys a Helper completes without relisting, a power up bid will be awarded. Hands are unable to receive power up bids.

Power up bids cannot be replaced by Dolly Support. If you use them, you lose them. 

Just Needs Helper! or Just Needs Hand! alerts

Just Needs Helper! indicates at least one Hand is interested, has requested the Dolly, and we are in need of a Helper to be scheduled.

Just Needs Hands! indicates at least one Helper is interested, has requested the Dolly, and we are in need of a Hand to be scheduled.

What is "I'm Available Now"?

This toggle lets Dolly Support know you are available to do Dollys right away and is accessible on the Dollys tab in the Helper app.

Helpers & Hands may be contacted by Dolly Support for higher priority Dollys for the amount of time selected between 1 to 12 hours.

The Helper app automatically turns off availability after the time window selected has lapsed.

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