We have certain standards and minimum requirements for vehicles that our Helpers use on Dolly's platform to ensure a great experience for our customers and partners.
Vehicle Minimum Requirements
Most pickup trucks, cargo vans, and box trucks can be approved for use on Dolly's platform.
- Vehicles must be manufactured in 2005 or later and must be in good condition (free of rust and damages).
No minimum size requirement for box trucks or pickup trucks. Cargo vans cannot be passenger vans.
SUVs can be approved if they have an attached or enclosed trailer that meets minimum requirements.
Attached trailers must have 2-foot tall rails / barriers or more on each side. Flatbed trailers will not be approved.
We do not accept any rental vehicles, rental trailers, or rental insurance coverage.
We permit multiple vehicles after you're approved. Please choose one vehicle for signing up and you can add additional vehicles in the Helper app after your account is created.
Vehicles cannot have other customizations that may compromise the safe delivery of items and must be free of graffiti.
- Our support team can elect to not approve your vehicle if the vehicle doesn't meet minimum requirements.
Note: If your vehicle doesn't meet minimum requirements, you are encouraged to apply as a Hand.
Vehicle Photo Minimum Requirements
- Vehicle photos must clearly show the front of the vehicle to the back of the vehicle. We recommend taking a sideview angle.
- Vehicle photos must show the vehicle in good condition and minimal rust or damage.
- Vehicle photos must be taken in daylight.
Examples of photos that can be approved:
Examples of photos that will not be approved:
This pickup truck has a flatbed
This pickup truck is a rental
This vehicle is an SUV but doesn't have a covered trailer attached.
This photo does not show the full vehicle from front to back.
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