
Dolly solely uses PayPal to pay Helpers & Hands for completed Dollys. When you request Dollys in the Helper app, the amount shown in the red box is the estimated payout received for fully completing a Dolly.

If a you see a low payout listed, do not attempt to request the Dolly and ask for a payout increase. Dolly Support will not approve such requests.

Get Setup for Payouts in the Helper App

Step 1: Access the Dolly Helper App.

Step 2: Tap the More tab - On iOS, this is on the bottom right. On Android, this is on the top left as a menu button (see screenshot below).

Step 3: Tap View Profile.

Step 4: In the top right corner, select Edit.


Android Version iPhone Version
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  • The field to enter you PayPal email address will be shown.
  • The email address entered must be the email address registered to the Helper or Hand's PayPal account.
    • Android users need to confirm their new or current password to save and update the PayPal email address.
  • Enter the PayPal email address twice to confirm accuracy. Android users; select Save in the top right. iOS users just need to enter the information twice.
Android Version iOS Version
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  • If you don't already have a PayPal account, click here to set up a Business Account.
  • To learn more about how PayPal works for payouts, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When do I get paid?

Helpers & Hands are paid twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays by the end of day. 

  • All work completed Monday through Wednesday will be processed for payout on Friday by end of day. Tips can be delayed by 24 hours and may be included on following payday.
  • All work completed Thursday through Sunday will be processed for payout on Tuesday by end of day. Tips can be delayed by 24 hours and may be included on following payday.

Note: If you have not yet received your payout, we ask that you wait until end of day on payout days to reach out to Dolly Support.

How do tips work at Dolly?

Tips aren't mandatory however, any tips a customer wishes to provide go to the Helper and / or Hand who completed the job. Tips will be split proportionally to pay for the Dolly being completed.

Why haven't I received my tip?

Customers have 24 hours in the app to tip their Helpers, provide a rating, and complete the Dolly. After 24 hours of the job being completed, the Dolly tip/review window will automatically close and confirmation emails will be sent to the customer and Helpers.

Note that tips can be adjusted until the 24 hour window closes. As a result, sometimes tips can be delayed and may be included on the following payout date.

How do I get funds from PayPal to my bank account?

You can transfer money from your PayPal account to your bank at any time through PayPal.

With PayPal Business, you can set up automatic pay in Profile Settings under My Money.

How long does it take to get funds transferred to my bank account?

Typically with PayPal, it takes 1-3 business days for money to move from PayPal to a bank account. Some other factors may affect this process. Additional information can be found here.

How do I set up my PayPal account?

PayPal recommends setting up a PayPal business account for business related transactions, like your pay from Dolly. You can set up a new account here

What if I don't set up a PayPal account?

Without a PayPal account, we have no way to pay you. You must set up a PayPal account to be paid.

Won't I have fees if I use PayPal?

No! Dolly covers all fees related to your payout. PayPal does offer the ability to do instant withdrawal to a debit card for a fee. Should you choose this option you are responsible for the fee.

What if a payment was made to an inaccurate or non-existent PayPal email that was on my Dolly Helper or Hands Account?

  1. You will need to update your PayPal email in the Helper app to the correct email address (used for logging in to your PayPal account).
  2. Next, you will need to contact us to provide details of the payout being sent to the incorrect PayPal email address. This can take our Support team up to a week to process the payout reset. In the meantime, any new completed Dollys will be paid out to the updated PayPal email address. 
  3. If the funds have been claimed under the incorrect PayPal email address, we will not be able to reset the payout to the updated PayPal email address.

PayPal recommends keeping your personal and business accounts separate. With a PayPal Business account, you can automate withdrawals with the Auto Sweep feature.

What happens with taxes and 1099s?

1099 tax forms will be issued by PayPal. More information on when and where 1099s will be available can be found here.

Make sure you consult with a tax professional to determine your specific reporting obligations.

Having a PayPal Business account does NOT mean you will have to pay fees on your income. Dolly has already covered all necessary fees. So how do you set up a business account?

You can check out PayPal's self-service guide here.

IMPORTANT NOTE: PayPal will ask you for a "business name" when you set up your account. If you don't have a business set up, you can enter your name and title. For example, John Doe, independent contractor.

Do you already have a personal PayPal account that you want to change to a business account?

  1. Visit PayPal
  2. Log into your account
  3. Tap Upgrade Now at the bottom
  4. Choose your business account

Set up a new account for PayPal business

  1. Tap here or choose Sign Up at
  2. Choose your business account
  3. Enter email and follow prompts
  4. Don't forget to confirm your email address!

Awesome, your account is set up-- now lets talk about getting paid with PayPal Business!

Auto Sweep allows you to automate your withdrawals with a daily sweep of all PayPal funds to your bank account (funds arrive in 2-4 days).

  1. Go to PayPal and log in to your account.
  2. Click 'Profile' or the gear near the top of the page click “My money”
  3. Scroll Down and turn on "Automatic Transfers"
  4. Ensure the bank you want your money transferred to is set up correctly.
  5. Contact PayPal here if you have any issues.

Other ways to get money from your PayPal account include:

    • Setting up a PayPal Debit Card allows instant access and 1% cash back.
    • Instant transfer is an optional way to transfer to a debit card for a small fee with PayPal.
    • Manually transferring money out of your PayPal account when you get paid.

Note that without auto sweep, you must initiate the transfer of funds manually from the PayPal app or website to receive your payout. Information on how to do this can be found here.


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